Ring Automotive

July – Customer Service

Author: Annette Paskin – Aftermarket Customer Service Supervisor
Date: 12/07/2023
Category: latest news

Meeting Customers and Having Fun

What a couple of months it has been. In May, the Customer Service Team were invited to present to our customers who attended RingMechanika. RingMechanika is an annual event that we host on our site. It is effectively a big open day, where customers are invited to check out the latest product developments, understand what activities we have planned to support their businesses and have a tour round key facilities to get a better understanding and appreciation of Ring.

For Customer Services this was a great opportunity to present to customers who came to see all the work we do for them. Firstly, this included introducing the whole team to customers and it was lovely to see names being put to faces.

In some cases after years of working together only by phone or email, to actually meet face to face was a really powerful moment and helped both our customers and the customer service team connect on a deeper level.

Secondly, maybe because we speak to customers every day, the customers we saw interacted with us as we presented. We learnt valuable lessons from what they had to say. Discussions were full of interesting feedback - what we do well and need to continue to do well at and what bugs they have and how we can fix them.

Listening to that direct feedback from a person you have been speaking to for years is powerful and was really rewarding. It was great to have this opportunity with them.

The Fun

The customer service team is known within the business (even if I do say so myself) as being the best at organizing celebrations. In June, when our UK Customer Service Manager had a significant birthday (dare not say the number), we did not fail to deliver on surprising him and bringing a bit of summer tropical fun to work. The decorations were up, the food was plenty and the costumes were bright. Never a dull moment in Customer Services.

Meeting Customers and Having Fun

What a couple of months it has been. In May, the Customer Service Team were invited to present to our customers who attended RingMechanika. RingMechanika is an annual event that we host on our site. It is effectively a big open day, where customers are invited to check out the latest product developments, understand what activities we have planned to support their businesses and have a tour round key facilities to get a better understanding and appreciation of Ring.

For Customer Services this was a great opportunity to present to customers who came to see all the work we do for them. Firstly, this included introducing the whole team to customers and it was lovely to see names being put to faces.

In some cases after years of working together only by phone or email, to actually meet face to face was a really powerful moment and helped both our customers and the customer service team connect on a deeper level.

Secondly, maybe because we speak to customers every day, the customers we saw interacted with us as we presented. We learnt valuable lessons from what they had to say. Discussions were full of interesting feedback - what we do well and need to continue to do well at and what bugs they have and how we can fix them.

Listening to that direct feedback from a person you have been speaking to for years is powerful and was really rewarding. It was great to have this opportunity with them.

The Fun

The customer service team is known within the business (even if I do say so myself) as being the best at organizing celebrations. In June, when our UK Customer Service Manager had a significant birthday (dare not say the number), we did not fail to deliver on surprising him and bringing a bit of summer tropical fun to work. The decorations were up, the food was plenty and the costumes were bright. Never a dull moment in Customer Services.

February – A month of Preparation

Author: Henry Bisson
Date: 23/03/2023
Category: latest news

March will see a host of new products being launched by the Product team. As a result, February became a busy month for the Marketing team. We have been preparing launch materials for our sales teams and getting ready to activate product campaigns. It is also an exciting time - finishing off the campaign materials and seeing them come to life is always good to see.

To ensure all is ready, final photography shoots have taken place for new inspection lamps, Flooders, Electrical Analysers, and Heavy Duty JumpStarters – we have been busing setting up shoots, getting the props, selecting, and editing images and getting final artwork ready.

As well as all the exciting new products, Marketing have been working with sales teams to win new business. Meeting new customers, understanding what they need and how we can help grow their business is fundamental to any business succeeding. For us in Marketing it has given us the opportunity to showcase what Ring is about and get creative. We have been trying different tools such as LinkedIn Campaign Manager, Direct Mail with surprise and delight boxes, and working up POS and merchandising solutions; all to get engagement, to get that first meeting, so the sales teams can then do their job.

At the end of January, we were told that we had been nominated in CAT Magazine’s annual awards, in the Environmental Category. On the 9th of February we went to Manchester to the award dinner. Sadly, we came away empty handed. However, while it would have been great to win, to be nominated is an achievement in itself. To be recognized in front of your customers and the market in general for the work we are doing to improve our environmental credentials, such as a move to plastic free packaging and commitment to being more sustainable, is the real takeaway. It was also good to network with customers, other suppliers and catch up with old friends.

Lastly, In February we onboarded our new PR agency who will look after our media relations for all three brands – OSRAM, RING and NEOLUX. Looking forward to the new partnership growing and them helping us to achieve our goals, reach new audiences and elevate all three brands reputations.

Day in the Life

Author: Pippa Rowe-Bewick
Date: 22/02/2023
Category: latest news

Wow, what a start to the year!

As I look back on the whirlwind of 2022 when we welcomed our first Chinese suppliers to Leeds for over 3 years, launched some amazing products (many of which are award-winning – (had to get that in!) and enhanced our ways of working, attended my first Automechanika in Frankfurt (my team did an amazing job selling our products on the stand) and trained our Osram and Ring colleagues, I can’t believe we’re now in 2023!!

The first weeks of 2023 have flown past – we welcomed OSR over and my new line manager joined us for a week. Henning Bohnhirst, Global Head of ACE, met with my team and we discussed how we are going to work going forward across the Group and create a global approach to our product development. It’s all very exciting as we evolve to support both Ring and Osram to achieve our ACE mission.

January and February has been a busy month for shipping our new products. We’ve got lots of exciting ones on the way – flooders, new inspection lamps (look out for colours!), trade dashcams, a Lidl dashcam for Osram (a very stressful project) and many more. These are an essential contribution to our Grow ACE strategic vision.

I can’t not mention my team, who strive to develop and deliver our fantastic products. In our team meeting we celebrate our successes on a weekly basis and I’d like to share some of these with you all. No matter how big or small our successes are, they can make such a difference. Ones that stick out for me are: the team working together to overcome some particularly challenging issues with launching some of our products, thinking creatively to find solutions, some great customer feedback on our products as well as welcoming Chloe Huntlea to our team!