Ring Automotive

RSC612/RESC612 12A Smart Diagnostic Battery Charger

RSC612 12A smart diagnostic battery charger


Auto Express Best Product 2015
Auto Express Best Product 2015

"a versatile and powerful charger with several modes...a great addition to the workshop."


Automechanika Innovation Award
Automechanika Innovation Award

Awarded at Automechanika Madrid, the world's most prestigious automotive show, for progressing product technology through innovation


Best Buy Land Rover Monthly
Best Buy Land Rover Monthly

“full diagnostic package...[offering] an awful lot for the money... one desirable piece of kit at a very good price”.


12A Smart Diagnostic Battery Charger

With battery analyser functions

12V DC 12A


12A Smart Battery Charger, to charge, protect, repair and analyse 12V batteries in vehicles up to 5L. Smart chargers are ideal for lead acid, gel, calcium, AGM and EFB batteries - and essential for maintaining START/STOP vehicles.

The RSC612 Smart Charge applies an eight stage cycle, that recharges at the optimum speed, repairs damage to the battery, and automatically switches to a low charge rate once the battery is recharged, ensuring that it maintains its charge level without causing damage through overcharging. The RSC612 also has four battery analysis tools, that test start power, the alternator check, battery cranking performance and battery voltage, to give you a full view of your vehicle battery's health.

The RSC612 also has maintenance mode - ideal for long term connection - and memory saver function, so it can retain the vehicle's electronics settings (e.g. radio settings) if the battery is disconnected. The winter charge mode is ideal for charging in cold weather. The LCD screen makes it easy to take readings and select charge or analysis settings. This is a comprehensive battery care tool. 

Supplied with both three pin (UK) and two pin (EU) power cables.

  • 12A smart charger, ideal for 12V vehicles up to 5L
  • Suitable for lead acid, gel, AGM and calcium batteries
  • Recommended for START/STOP vehicles
  • 8 stage charging cycle that recharges, protects from overcharging and repairs damage
  • Battery voltage test displays the battery voltage as a percentage of its capacity
  • Battery cranking test identifies potential starting problems due to battery failure
  • Alternator check tests the recharging performance of the vehicle's alternator
  • Start power test measures voltage drop during engine start to identify potential battery issues
  • Auto charge button applies the fastest charge without having to alter settings
  • Winter charge mode adapts the charging cycle to suit cold weather
  • LCD screen makes it easy to see charging progress and select test options
  • Memory saver function allows vehicle and audio settings to be retained if the battery is removed
Product dimensions (mm): HxWxD
139 x 197 x 74
Weight (kg)
230V AC Input 12V DC Output

Available as

Code: RSC612


Code: RESC612